1. Ron In Newfoundland - Home Sweet Home

Newfoundland, Canada

Hi!  Here I am again, Ronnie the gypsy on the road, seeking my tribe, or maybe just my gypsy history, adding a new chapter.

People have asked, so hmmm, how did you end up picking Newfoundland? Spin the globe, throw darts, travel agent was filling a quota?

The bottom line truth is that CANADA, is a beautiful place border to border (except one border patrol north of Idaho) and the friends I have made there are awesome. I am not treated like a tourist, I am treated like a long lost friend or relative. (No, not the one they shipped away and hoped would never come back.) I have been to British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, and now NL. To boot, I have never been to a temperate maritime environment and this being an island, at least Newfoundland is, it is a lot of coast and fishing and whales and seafood. Labrador, though part of NL, is attached to the Quebec province. For this trip, I am focusing on the Island of NFL.

Who knows what I will find, maybe Irish Celtic culture and music, maybe Whales, maybe Icebergs, maybe Moose (though hopefully not on my car grill), and maybe some homebrew and blueberries. Best of all, People! Though claimed by Canada, Newfoundlanders are Newfoundlanders First! Canada came along a few centuries later. That theme rings a bell with our Spanish settlers of northern New Mexico, doesn't it!

I leave Albuquerque in late August and will head to St. John's. My first few days will be there where I will stay in an AirBnB. From there, a rental car and road trips. Maybe the Irish Loop on the Avalon peninsula first then inland. Gander, Twillingate, Bishop's Falls, Church Brook.